Gain 24/7 Cyber Expertise Tailored to Your Organisation
Our 24/7 Managed SOC Service proactively protects your business against cyber threats to maximise protection and minimise risk.
Using our own industry leading technology, expert analysts and rapid threat containment, we'll ensure your data is secure across public clouds, SaaS, On-Premise, and Hybrid IT environments.
Our SOC and Cyber Security Services are built on 35+ years of industry expertise supported by our own state of the art cyber products utilised by Governments and Telecommunications providers worldwide.
Why choose our Managed SOC Service?
With organisations facing tightening budgets, a global shortfall in the cyber security workforce and a sharp increase in the frequency and severity of cyber attacks, many IT teams have been left under resourced and overburdened. Telesoft's Managed SOC Service allows organisations to outsource cyber security to our expert team of cyber analysts. Based in our UK Security Operation's Centre, we will proactively monitor your network, cloud or hybrid environments for threats; 24/7/365. Here are just some of the benefits of joining Telesoft's UK Managed SOC Service:
Identify and Address Vulnerabilities Before Cyber Attackers
Save on OPEX and CAPEX by Outsourcing to our SOC and Elevating Cyber Security
Be Alerted to Detected Threats in as Little as 15 Minutes
Always be Alert with 24/7 Human-Led Threat Hunting
Receive Recovery and Remediation Advice on Detected Threats
Operates from Secure UK SOC with Vetted Analysts
60% of SMEs
£3.7 Million
£2.2 Million
Estimated Annual Cost of an IN-HOUSE SOC
Fortify your Organisation
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are utilised to filter out the noise, improving efficiency and allowing our expert team of cyber analysts to carry out forensic investigations on anomalous activity.
Our analysts can threat hunt in real-time and back-in-time using our TDAC Enterprise platform to identify IoA (Indicators of Attack) & IoC (Indicators of Compromise), examining network traffic & log data patterns relating to a discovered vulnerability to help identify if any hosts have been compromised.
If a threat is detected, we provide Recovery & Remediation Assistance to tackle it quickly and effectively, fortifying your network from future breaches.
Cyber Criminals Don't Work 9-5. Neither Do We.
With the average cost of a ransomware attack rising to £3.7 million in 2022 and many businesses closing within just months after a breach, it is vital that organisations implement stringent cyber security standards. Moreover, it can take months before organisations identify a breach within their network, which is often too late.
Operating 24/7 and utilising the latest threat hunting technology, our team of cyber analysts can identify and address any malicious or suspicious activity quickly and effectively.
| Build Your Ideal SOC with Telesoft